

Lecture Series

124. Pere Roca-Cusachs, (IBEC, Barcelona) MRC lecture series #5. ''Transducing - and shielding - mechanical signals from integrins to the nucleus''

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ITREN (2022-06-15)
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124. MRC lecture series #5. Transducing - and shielding - mechanical signals from integrins to the nucleus.

Speaker : Pere Roca-Cusachs, (IBEC, Barcelona)

Location : Room 512 Dental building, Dankook University 

Date: 2022-05-04


Transducing - and shielding - mechanical signals from integrins to the nucleus.


Cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as key processes in development, tumorigenesis, and wound healing, are strongly determined by the properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM), including its mechanical rigidity and its composition. In this talk, I will discuss how mechanical force is transmitted from the ECM to the nucleus, and how this affects proteins in general, and transcription factors in particular, by controlling their shuttling between the cytoplasm and nucleus. Further, I will discuss how different matrix, integrin, and cytoskeletal proteins control whether the nucleus is exposed to, or shielded from, force transmission.