ITREN recruits graduate students.
ITREN supports and provides research environment and facilities for a candidate student to build up a strong career and to dream a world-class scientist in the future.
ITREN은 대학원생을 모집합니다.
세계최고수준의 연구환경과 지원을 통해 학생들이 글로벌 연구자의 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 프로그램을 운영합니다.
* 기존 전공이 다양한 분야 지원 가능 (공학, 생물학, 화학, 물리, 의학, 치의학, 약학, 수의학)
* 석사, 박사, 석박통합 지원 가능
* 이학/공학/의학/치의학/수의학 석, 박사학위 중 하나를 취득함
* 등록금과 생활비의 재정지원을 함
* 다양한 연구프로젝트에 참여하여 융합연구를 진행함
* 글로벌 연구자로 성장하기 위한 특별한 기회 제공
- 해외 최고기관(컬럼비아대, UCL, 시드니대 등)의 석학들과 공동연구 진행
- 해외학자들 방문 멘토링 및 특강 수시 개최
- 선별하여 해외파견 (3개월~12개월) 및 공동학위 기회제공
* 유선 혹은 이메일로 미리 연락하여, 상세한 지도상담 후 지원하시기 바랍니다.
- / 041-550-3082~4
1) Field eligibility
* Anyone who holds a BS or MS major in a wide spectrum, including below, can apply
- Engineering (Materials/ Mechanical/Chemical/Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology, etc)
- Basic Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Mecicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary
2) Degree
* MS, PhD or MS/PhD integrated degree is possible depending on former degree
* Degree in Science, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, or Veterinary is possible
* Major: i) Tissue Regeneration Engineering, ii) Bionano Science, iii) Regenerative Medicine
3) Financial Support
* ITREN supports the students full coverage of tuition & living cost
4) Research Topics
* Students will take part in some of the projects listed below:
- Nanomaterials, hydrogels, and biopolymer synthesis
- Gene and drug delivery for tissue repair and disease treatment
- 3D culture of stem cells for regenerative medicine
- Cellular engineering and reprogramming
- Angiogenesis strategies
- Anti-inflammatory strategies
- Ex vivo disease modeling
- Animal studies
- Neural, muscle, bone, tooth repair and regeneration
- Dental biomaterials, implant modification
5) International Collaborative Research
* Students can visit the international institute (UCL, Columbia Univ, Sydney Univ, IBEC, etc) for 3-12 months
* Joint degree is possible
* Lectures and mentoring given by visiting scholars
6) How to Apply
- Please contact first (, and discuss details at the earliest, before the application period