

Job Recruitment

Please join us ! Positions for tenure-track faculty members, research associates, and post-docs are open now

전임교원 (연중 상시 모집) 아래 연구분야에서 세계수준의 연구업적을 지닌 연구자들을 대학 전임교수로 연중 상시 모집합니다.

* ITREN recruits full time faculty members through the year
* Anyone who has the expertise in the areas can apply anytime

Areas of research
Molecular cell biology (cell signaling, mechanobiology) Stem cells and cell reprogramming (iPSC, NSC) Biomaterials (biopolymer synthesis, hydrogel biomaterials, nanodelivery systems) Micro-/nano-processing (3D bioprinting, microfluidics) In vivo animal tests and clinical applications Other interdisciplinary research areas of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Required documents
Resume / Curriculum vitae Personal statement (including two referees’ contact information) Summary of research publications including authorship (first author, co-author, corresponding author) and the journal impact factor
Contact or for more information
Based on the CV and relevance to research area of the applicant, interviews and further appointment processes will be informed.

연구교수 및 연구원 모집 (연중 상시 모집)

* ITREN recruits research associates and post-docs through the year
* Anyone who has the expertise in the areas can apply anytime

Areas of research
Molecular cell biology (cell signaling, mechanobiology) Stem cells and cell reprogramming (iPSC, NSC) Biomaterials (biopolymer synthesis, hydrogel biomaterials, nanodelivery systems) Micro-/nano-processing (3D bioprinting, microfluidics) In vivo animal tests and clinical applications Other interdisciplinary research areas of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Required documents
Resume / Curriculum vitae Personal statement (including two referees’ contact information) Summary of research publications including authorship (first author, co-author, corresponding author) and the journal impact factor
Contact or for more information Based on the CV and relevance to research area of the applicant, interviews and further appointment processes will be informed.
병역특례 전문연구요원 특별 모집
조직재생공학연구원은 전문연구요원 병역특례 지정기관으로, 석사학위 이상 지원 가능합니다. 상세한 사항은 행정실로 연락바랍니다 행정실: (전화 041-550-3082-5)